10 Reflections To Reset Your Life

2 min readSep 22, 2022


  1. People and reality in your life are the result of your mental state and belief.
  2. If you want it better, you have to become a different person, with different thought patterns and behavior.
  3. Analyse your past trauma deeply. Reflect. What went wrong? Why? What is my responsibility in this? Re-strategize your future based on your reflection.
  • Write it in your journal: “Next time, I will do/say/react/avoid etc.”
  • Coaching yourself with thoughtful questions: what lessons can others learn from my journey? How do I feel loved and sufficient, all by myself? How do I QC my work? No repeat and awareness of our own flaws is the highest leverage in our lives.

4. Your financial standing has a direct impact to your lifestyle, political view and social circle. Money is the main architecture of your reality. Therefore, money is everything.

5. Everyone wants to have fun and will gravitate towards happy, childlike, positive people. Being genuine is the cherry on the top.

6. Do not, under any circumstances, walk back to what once hurt you. Think and hesitate a lot before giving the grim a second chance.

7. Never sacrifice your personal freedom, vision, and ethics for belongingness, network, or job security. Trust your destiny that there are workplaces and people who have your best interest. Trust in your talent and hard work that it will lead you to a happy end. Nothing can beat someone who constantly evolves.

6. Do not put yourself in a disadvantaged position. Find the right place where you are comfortable and compatible.

7. Be honest. So, you don’t have to remember the lies you told.

8. It is your personal choice to meet up with someone or reply text. It is ok to reply later. We are adults.

9. Do not force anyone or anything to happen in your favor. It is what it is.

10. If you want to make a massive difference in your life: Behave in the best manner. Be surrounded by the best minds. Give the best to yourself and others. Do not say or do things that you might regret. Only the best is allowed to happen and stay in your life.

